Sunday, August 23, 2015

"FOR YOUR OWN GOOD: Hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the roots of violence" by Alice Miller


In Prisoners of Childhood I took pains to point out that looks expressing disapproval and rejection that are directed at the infant can contribute to the development of severe disturbances, including perversions and compulsion neuroses, in the adult. 

An enormous amount can be done to a child in the first two years: he or she can be molded, dominated, taught good habits, scolded, and punished-without any repercussions for the person raising the child and without the child taking revenge. The child will overcome the serious consequences of the injustice he has suffered only if he succeeds in defending himself, i.e., if he is allowed to express his pain and anger. If he is prevented from reacting in his own way because the parents cannot tolerate his reactions (crying, sadness, rage) and forbid them by means of looks or other pedagogical methods, then the child will learn to be silent. This silence is a sign of the effectiveness of the pedagogical principles applied, but at the same time it is a danger signal pointing to future pathological development. If there is absolutely no possibility of reacting appropriately to hurt, humiliation, and coercion, then these experiences cannot be integrated into the personality; the feelings they evoke are repressed, and the need to articulate them remains unsatisfied, without any hope of being fulfilled. It is this lack of hope of ever being able to express repressed traumata by means of relevant feelings that most often causes severe psychological problems. We already know that neuroses are a result of repression, not of events them- selves. I shall try to demonstrate that neuroses are not the only tragic consequences of repression. 

The Last Act of the Silent

The greatest cruelty that can be inflicted on children is to refuse to let them express their anger and suffering except at the risk of losing their parents' love and affection. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

SIGGRAPH15 & Asia et al

Electronic Theater
Amir & Amira

League of Legends Music: The Curse of the Sad Mummy
Citius, Altius, Fortius

The Alchemist's Letter
The Present

Vortex Immersion Media for full dome and projection mapping

Roland MonoFab series (take STL files)

3DSystems in SC

iSense for 3D scan


Function UNO is the cheap version of the original.

Factum Arte - make excellent replica

chibitronics circuit stickers
circuit sticker sketch book
Jie Qi:

Conductak: Stick Circuits:

conductive copper tape
conductive ink pen

Giga Macro (macro scan):

Video mapping hardware/software: Pandora's box, mad mapper, vdmx

Fab Academy:



3D Anamorphosis by Francesco de Comité

"To afar the water flows" video installation by Yuge Zhou

New Zealand Book Council - Going West