Friday, February 12, 2010

Passage Meditation: Bringing the Deep Wisdom of the Heart into Daily Life - Eknath Easwaran

ISBN-10: 1586380265
ISBN-13: 978-1586380267

The Perennial Philosophy
by Aldous Huxley ~p11 {interested}
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi ~p37 {author's high recommendation}
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna ~p198 {author's high recommendation}

In India, meditation is called "the end of sorrow" and "mastery of the art of living." ~p13

The Buddha explains, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." ~p21

Eight Steps of Passage Meditation ~p24
1. Meditation on a Passage
2. Repetition of a Mantram
3. Slowing Down
4. One-pointed Attention
5. Training the Senses
6. Putting Others First
7. Spiritual Companionship
8. Spiritual Reading

Good Passage Sources
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Twenty-third Psalm
Katha Upanishad

Let nothing upset you;
Let nothing frighten you;
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the goal.
Who has God lacks nothing;
God alone fills every need.
— Teresa of Avila

A mind that is fast is sick.
A mind that is slow is sound.
A mind that is still is divine.
— Meher Baba

I tell you one thing –
if you want peace of mind,
do not find fault with others.
Rather learn to see your own faults.
Learn to make the whole world your own.
No one is a stranger, my child;
this whole world is your own.
— Sri Sarada Devi

Praise and blame,
gain and loss,
pleasure and sorrow
come and go like the wind.
To be happy,
rest like a giant tree
in the midst of them all.
— Buddha

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
— Sai Baba

Four things come not back—the spoken word, the sped arrow, time past, and the neglected opportunity.
— Abbas Ibn al-Ahnaf (c. 750-c. 803) Poet

"Ego" comes from the Latin for "I."
"Ahamkara" means "self-will" in Sanskrit.
"Aham" means "I" in Sanskrit.