Friday, November 26, 2010

After Effects CS5 Essential Training

chapter 2 Introductory Project

• space bar » preview (not in real time, no audio)
• click on the last button on the preview panel
• 0 (zero on the key pad) » Ram RealTime preview with audio

Output in Render Queue
1. adjust settings
2. set "output to" location
3. click on "Render"

chapter 3 Getting Started

Maximize a panel
1. mouse over a panel
2. press ~ key

Create a new composition based on an existing footage
drag the footage to the "new composition" icon

Add content to a composition
• command + / to add content to the center of the composition panel
• drag a content to the composition, timeline, or layer panel

Composition Setting commend + K, or go to the menu Composition, or fly out menu of the timeline panel

Duration input inside the Composition Setting
15 = 00;00;15
115 = 00;01;15
5.. = 05;00;00

Frame Rate
Web 15 - 20
NTSC 29.97
PAL 25
Film 24

Video Dimensions
Full HDV 1440 x 1080
HDV/HDTV 1280 x 720
DV 720 x 480

chapter 4 Learning to Animate

Illustrator file
import as a composition to keep all layers

Solo view
choose "•" on layers panel

T: Opacity
R: Rotation [negative values mean counter clockwise]
A: Anchor Point
P: Position
S: Scale [negative values mean flipping the content]
press any key of the five = show the one in layers panel
Shift + press any key of the five = adding one to the existing list

Reset anchor point
press y key+drag or choose "Pan Behind Tool"

Puppet Tool

Open/fold layer's key frames
• select the layer
• press or double-press "U" key

Command key for puppet tool
record my mouse movement while dragging the puppet tool

Copy/past key frame
• select one or more key frames (can use marquee)
• copy and then place the play-head on the timeline
• paste keyframes where the play-head is

Home - go to the beginning of timeline
End - go to the end of timeline
Page down - next frame
Page up - previous frame
J - the previous key frame
K - the next key frame

chapter 5 Precomposing and Nesting Compositions

Group/Pre-comp (for both layers and compositions)
Layer » Pre-compose

• Double click the pre-composition to go inside
• click the Shift key, then use the arrow keys or mouse to go forward and backward

Duplicate : command key + D

chapter 6 Effects
Create a new layer
1. in a composition
2. Layer » New or right-click in the timeline panel

Reset values
• the yellow "Reset"
• right-click on any settings, such as Scale, Opacity

Apply Effects
• drag to the layer
• choose the layer first, double click the effect

Toggle fx icon to show/hide the effect

Create a fire ball

Cycore effects
is powerful and fast

Blur Effects are cool when use with particles
(Two blur effects here)

Motion Blur

"Randomness" controls variations

chapter 7 Video

Shorten layers
• drag the timeline ends of the footage
• shift drag to snap to the playhead
• Edit » Split Layer (at the playhead)
• Option + Home key to bring the footage timeline back to beginning

Trim video
• double-click a footage in a project panel or timeline to edit it in the footage panel or layer panel
• Ripple Insert Edit or Overlay Insert Edit
• more:

Rename layers
press return key and don't double-click

Change video speed
option 1: Stretch on the time line (ok quality, fast rendering)
option 2: Timewarp effect (great quality, long rendering)
option 3: in-camera slow-motion or fast-motion shooting (best quality)

Import footage with an alpha channel
• choose the alpha channel options in the import window

Change footage's alpha channel setting
1. select the footage
2. choose Interpret Footage

Hide layers

chapter 8 Color-correcting footage

Cinematic color treatments
• artistic eye
• combine color balance, hue/saturation, level, and more

A quick vignette
1. create a solid black layer
2. choose the ellipse Shape tool from the tool bar to create a mask
3. double-click on the ellipse tool to create an ellipse at the same size of the project
4. change the mask setting from Add to Subtract
5. adjust feather value

Colorizing black-and-white footage - 5 ways
• Hue/Saturation » select Colorize
• Color Balance
• Black & White
• Tint
• Tritone
• Colorama (it has preset)

Adjustment layers
• effect all layers underneath it
• carry Color Correction effects
• also carry Noise and Distort effects, and maybe more

chapter 9 Text

apply text animation presets
• select the layer and place the playhead where I want it to be
• go to the fly-out menu of the Effects and Presets panel » Browse Presets
• find Text presets and browse
• double-click the ideal preset to apply to the selected layer

Animate text manually
• apply animation to text
• add more settings to the existing animation

Layer Style

• add a layer style: either right-click on the layer or go to the Layer menu • Gradient Overlay looks good

chapter 10 Becoming More Efficient

work areas
• purpose: only render part of the composition
• drag the bars on timeline to set the work area
• press b and n key to set the work area according to the playhead
• shift + home, shift + end for navigating to the beginning and end of the work area
• shift + ~ : collapse/open selected layers

add layer markers
press control + 8 or Layer menu » Add Marker

add comp markers
drag from the timeline's marker icon

replace a footage
1. select the layer with the old footage
2. hold Option key
3. drag the new footage from the project panel over the selected layer in the composition panel
4. then release

navigate the timeline
• Option key + scrolling the mouse wheel: zoom
• Shift key + scrolling the mouse wheel: forward and backward
• d key: center the current playhead

navigate among layers
• command + up/down arrow

cropping and arranging layers
• option + [ or ]: crop layer
• [ or ]: move layer around the playhead
• option + home or end: move layer to either end of the timeline
• i or o: move playhead to either end of the cropped layer
• page-up or page-down: move playhead one frame next or previous (not involving layers)

chapter 11 Painting

paint brush
• works only in the layer comp panel
• turn on "paint on transparent"
• hold command key and drag to increase/decrease the brush size

Roto brush
• works at 100% view/full resolution
• works only in the layer comp panel
• Freeze after selecting the object
• in the Roto Brush Effect: try Refine Matte, Smooth, Reduce Chatter

Write-on Effect for growing vines • works in the layer comp panel
• key frame bursh position and size

chapter 12 masks and shape layers

make a mask
1. select the layer in the composition panel or timeline panel
2. choose the shape tool and draw over the layer

about masks
• change "add" to "subtract" to invert the mask or just check "Inverted"
• mask's path feather, opacity, expansion :: animate the settings

bubbles effect: foam effect

press and double-press m key

• Layer » Auto-trace
• choose "current frame" for still image result; "work area" for moving footage
• the preview looks much worse than the actual result
• some effects work with auto-traced layers/shapes: such as Stroke » such effects can be applied to multiple masks

mask objects/footage with other objects/footage - awesome results!!!!!!

create a shape layer

1. don't select any layers
2. draw a shape
• "Fill" and the fill color icon have different dialog windows
• use "Add" menu for a polystar - awesome results!!!!!!

chapter 13 3D

3D layer is always above 2D layers

• negative values are closer to the viewer (the opposite of Processing)

Add camera
1. right-click on the LEFT of the layer's name (must)
2. choose New » Camera

• Unified Camera

Add lighting
1. right-click on the LEFT of the layer name (must)
2. choose New » light

Add shadows
1. turn on Casts Shadows in this window and adjust the values
2. open each layer pressing "Command a" "Shift ~" and double-press "a"
3. turn on "Casts Shadows" for each layer (if all layers are selected, doing one layer effects all layers)
• Shadow Diffusion is for a softer edge

Add Depth of Field
1. open the camera layer
2. turn on Depth of Field and adjust Distance, Aperture, and Blur Level

Shatter Effect: blowing a wall (nice!)

chapter 14 Keying and Compositing

• the best keying effect — Keylight
• change Screen Color according to the back drop
• "view: Status" to see the gray area
• under "Screen Matte": "Clip black" and "Clip white" values to set the gray area

Refine Matte effect for correcting bad green screen result

Film visual effect (I like it) (check the layers of the file)

Blend Mode

chapter 15 Intermediate Animation

Orientation to motion path
• use menu or right-click on the layer

Motion Sketch
• record mouse location + speed!
• increase Smooth value to make the movement smooth
• check "background" to show the bg
1. select the key frame2. use the menu

Graph Editor

Auto-keyframes (from a different video course)
• the big red button

chapter 16 Stabilizing and Tracking Motion

Work inside the layer panel
• it works inside the composition panel as well


Tracking• including lights

chapter 17 Parenting and Expressions

Parenting - grouping one layer to another, then another...
• work with Position, Anchor Point, Rotation, Scale
• doesn't work with Opacity and Effects

Parenting with Null objects
- grouping multiple layers to a Null layer
1. create a new Null layer
2. select multiple layers, then repeat the above step to make the Null layer a parenting layer
• looks great when using in 3D!

Create Expressions
• Any key frames can have Experssions
• Option key + click on the Stop Watch
• manual input
• auto input from parenting data, even a puppet pin (note: not have to be parenting layers)

Wiggle expression - awesome effect!
• wiggle position, color effects, and so on
• wiggle(5,10) means wiggle(times per second, pixel threshold)
• great for the background image shaking and shaking objects
isolating layer view

chapter 18 Audio

• press "0" or "."key on the Number keypad(!) to listen to the audio
• audio layers are treated same as video layers

Audio Effects
• Reverb is pretty interesting

chapter 19 Rendering and Compression

• Render Queue
• don't forget check "Audio Output"

• QuickTime - Animation - 100% :: great quality
• H.264 highest settings :: good for web, so so quality

chapter 20 Integration

Copy paths from Illustrator and Photoshop
• just Paste
• click on the "Position" of a layer, then paste - this makes the path a motion path for that layer's content

save files in FLV/F4V
export files in both SWF and XFL (like FLA)