Monday, January 11, 2010

Final Cut Pro 6 Essential Editing Part 1

Course Website:

Easy setup and Audio/Video Settings

Normally don't mess up the settings.

This was the tutorial setting.

4. Learn The Interface

Press "Home" and "End" keys

Press arrow keys

Press J key once to play backward; twice to backward double speed; three times to backward 3 speed; and so on
Press K key to stop;
Press L key once to go forward; twice to forward double speed; three times to forward 3 speed; and so on

Press J and K to backward at 1/3 speed
Press L and K to forward at 1/3 speed

Shift + Z to fit the timeline/sequence in the window

Press X key to set the in/out points of a clip where the playhead is on the timeline

In the time code area, type -300 to move 300 frames backwards, type 200 to move 200 frames forwards.

Control + U to reset the working windows to the default

Control + Opton + W key to toggle the sound waves.

5. Building Your Story

Shift + Command + "[" or "]"
to shift between tabs in a window

**Set the audio 5 to 10 frames late, because it tends to be cropped in the QuickTime file.

Making in/out of a clip
Press the "I" key and "O" key to set the in/out pints.
Option "I" or "O" key to remove the in/out points.
Option "X" key to remove both in and out points.
Press "X" key to set both in and out points on a timeline.

Insert/Overwrite Clips

or by dragging for inaccurate insert

Three-point editing

Backtime editing

Replace Editing (based on an arbitrary target shot, instead of in/out points)

Fit to Fill Editing (it normally distorts the clip - either too slow or too fast - comic effects)

Storyboard editing

Open-format Timelines - need to watch the video again for detailes

Editing shortcuts

6. Using Subclips

Understanding Subclips

Creating Subclips - three methods

method 1
method 2

method 3
Editing with Subclips

you can create a sequence from subclips by working with the timeline - see: the clips on the timeline are subclips » then set the in/out points on the timeline » then choose "make subclip" from the menu

Keyboard shortcuts

7. Using Markers

Creating and editing with markers

Clip based
* Clip based markers travel with the clip and show on the timeline
* Press
M to set the marker while the clip is selected in the timeline (MUST)
Shift M and Option M are used to travel back and forth among the markers; however, in the timeline the clip MUST be selected, otherwise the two shortcuts will not work.
* Clip based markers are also great for capturing music pitches
Timeline based marker
* Timeline based markers don't travel with the clips
* when setting a timeline marker, de-select all clips, then the marker will be set where the playhead is
* while the playhead is on a maker, press
M again to get the "Edit Marker" window
Shift M and Option M are used to travel back and forth among the markers
* use the timeline fly-out menu to travel back and forth among the markers

Reposition a marker
* markers cannot be repositioned to the left - only to the right!

* delete a marker: 1st way is to choose "delete" from the "Edit Marker" window by pressing
M when the marker is selected; 2nd way is to select the marker and choose "delete" from the menu

Using special markers, reset starting point, and set duration

Keyboard shortcuts

8. Organizing your story

Top two Final Cut Pro interface rules

Selecting Clips

* Command A to select everything in the timeline.

select portions of clip(s)
Deleting Clips

Press delete key = Lift delete
Shift + delete key = Ripple delete (it seems shift + X also works)

Insert Slug

Moving Clips

Method 1: just drag
Method 2: drag » press Option key (see below) (note: if press Option key first, it will create a copy of that clip)
Method 3: when dragging vertically, press Shift to restrict dragging at 90 degree
Method 4: select the clip » hold Option key + press Down/Up arrow key to move vertically

Copying Clips

* Copy and Paste from the menu (may need to set the track after copying but before pasting) (see below)
* Option+drag to copy
* Option+drag » then release the mouse first » copy and insert the clip
* Option+drag » then release the Option first » copy and overwrite the clip
* Shift+Option+drag to copy and drag the new clip to a new track

By default, the lowest # track with dark 'auto-select light' has the highest priority.

Match Clip

Deleting duplicate frames

Keyboard shortcuts

9. Trimming your story

Three sides to an edit

* Press U key to toggle among the three sides of edit (the uniform)
* Press V to have the playhead jump to the next edit point
* Arrow tool is not the best trimming tool.
* The razor blade is for cropping big portions of clip(s), not for fine trimming.

One-sided trimming: Ripple edits - best trimming tool

"\" key is for previewing pre-roll and post-roll

Two-sided trimming: Roll edits - best trimming tool

Ten ways to trim - watch the video again for all details

* when the playhead is playing on the timeline and an edit (the three-sided uniform) is selected, press E key to trim everything in between the playhead and the selected edit.
* trim in the viewer

* split trim
The trim edit window - watch the video again for details
double-click edit to open the Trim Edit window
Option Drag

Slip and slide trimming

Keyboard shortcuts